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High Holy Days Experience for Families with Young Children 2023

We look forward to seeing you at our High Holy Days Experience for Families with Young Children (0-6). This program will be 30-45 minutes and include a brief service, a story, the Shofar, and family activities.

This program will be inside the Social Hall at Congregation Sukkat Shalom.

Please indicate which holiday(s) you will join us for below. 

Rosh Hashanah
September 16, 9:00am

Yom Kippur
September 25, 9:00am
There are no fees for attending the High Holy Days Experience for Families with Young Children. All are welcome! We do appreciate voluntary donations. Please enter an amount in the space above, hit the "Submit" button, and follow the payment instructions. Thank you!
Questions? Contact Missy Bell, RJE, Director of Education, 
Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784