High Holy Days
2024~5785 High Holy Days
Join the Sukkat Shalom community for spiritual, joyful, and uplifting worship. Members will receive more information in the fall. If you are not yet a member and wish to join us, please contact the temple office. Reservations are now closed.
We welcome you to join us in person and via Live Stream.
Click here for a Calendar of Sukkat Shalom High Holy Days Services & Events
Please consider making a High Holy Days gift to Sukkat Shalom by clicking here
All services take place in the Sanctuary at Sukkat Shalom unless indicated below.
Special Guest Event
Tuesday, September 17
7:00 p.m. An Evening with author Alden Solovy
Selichot Service
Friday, September 27
6:00 p.m. Selichot Service
7:00 p.m. High Holy Days Study: Is it Inevitable? with Rabbi Immerman
Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, October 2
7:00 p.m. Erev Rosh Hashanah Service
Thursday, October 3
9:00 a.m. Rosh Hashanah Early Service
9:00 a.m Experience for Families with Young Children in the Social Hall
11:30 a.m. Rosh Hashanah Late Service
2:30 p.m. Rosh Hashanah Multi-Generational Service at the Wallace Bowl
Tashlich immediately following on the beach at Gillson Park
Shabbat Shuvah and Reading of the Names
Friday, October 4
6:00 p.m. Sukkat Shalom Sanctuary
Yom Kippur
Friday, October 11
5:30 p.m. Kol Nidre Early Service
8:00 p.m. Kol Nidre Late Service
Saturday, October 12
9:00 a.m. Yom Kippur Morning Early Service
9:00 a.m. Experience for Families with Young Children in the Social Hall
11:30 a.m. Yom Kippur Morning Late Service
2:30 p.m. Yom Kippur Multi-Generational Service at Sukkat Shalom
4:00 p.m. Yom Kippur Afternoon, Yizkor, and Concluding Service
Live Streamed Services
All services held in the Sanctuary will be streamed live on our website, Facebook, and YouTube pages and will be available for viewing later on these same sites. If you are planning to stay home and watch online, you need not make a reservation. Full services can be found on the Sukkat Shalom Video page. Don't miss a minute of our virtual programming! Subscribe/follow our Facebook Page, and YouTube Channel.
Sanctuary Services at Sukkat Shalom
We are offering one Erev Rosh Hashanah service and two Rosh Hashanah Morning services. We are offering two Kol Nidre services and two Yom Kippur Morning services. Sanctuary services have limited seating capacity. Use the links above to reserve as early as possible.
Multi-Generational Outdoor Service at the Wallace Bowl
Multi-generational Outdoor Service at the Wallace Bowl
We invite everyone to attend our Multi-generational Service on Rosh Hashanah at the Wallace Bowl in Gillson Park, at 2:30 pm. Rosh Hashanah's service will be followed immediately by Tashlich at the nearby beach. (Rain location-- Sanctuary at Sukkat Shalom.)
This is a family-friendly service. We have a large seating capacity and welcome you to bring your own seat cushions and/or folding chairs if you would like to sit on the grass in front of the stage. Use the links below to see the Prayer Sheets we will use for these services.
Outdoor Wallace Bowl Rosh Hashanah Services Prayer Sheets
Please note the Yom Kippur Multi-Generational Service is being held at Sukkat Shalom and not at the Wallace Bowl.
Shabbat Shuvah and Reading of the Names
The Shabbat between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is called the “Shabbat of returning”. This acknowledges the fact that we are in a time of t’shuva—returning to the very best versions of ourselves. During Shabbat Shuvah, we will remember our loved ones by reading aloud the entire list of names of our family and friends which we have previously read on Yom Kippur.
Experience for Families with Young Children
We look forward to seeing you in the Social Hall at our High Holy Days Experience for Families with Young Children (0-6). This program will be 30-45 minutes and include a brief service, a story, the Shofar, and family activities.
To register for the Experience for Families with Young Children, please click here
If you need help with transportation in getting to and from any of Sukkat Shalom's High Holy Days services, please contact member Lynn Greenbaum. Lynn's contact information is available by messaging the temple office.
2023~5784 High Holy Days Services - Recording Links
Erev Rosh Hashanah - Friday, September 15, 7:30pm
Rosh Hashanah Morning - Saturday, September 16, 11:30am
Kol Nidre - Sunday, September 24, 8:00pm
Yom Kippur Morning - Monday, September 25, 11:30am
Yom Kippur Late Afternoon - Yizkor Memorial Service - Monday, September 25, 4:00pm
Sun, November 3 2024
2 Cheshvan 5785
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1001 central avenue wilmette, IL 60091
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