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Wallace Bowl Reservations, High Holy Days 2023/5784 for Nonmember Guests

We welcome registrations for our outdoor services at the Wallace Bowl, Gillson Park, Wilmette on Saturday, September 16, 2:30pm and Monday, September 25, 2:3opm. (Rain location, Sukkat Shalom sanctuary, 1001 Central Avenue, Wilmette.)

The Multi-Generational Service on Rosh Hashanah Afternoon at the Wallace Bowl in Gillson Park, is at 2:30 pm, followed immediately by Tashlich at the nearby beach. (Rain location-- Sanctuary at Sukkat Shalom.)

This is a family-friendly service. Please bring your own cushions. You may also bring folding chairs if you would like to sit on the grass in front of the stage. 

NOTE-- These outdoor services will NOT be streamed on line.
If you are not attending this service, please leave the count at zero.

The Multi-Generational Service, on Yom Kippur Afternoon at the Wallace Bowl in GillsonPark, is at 2:30 pm.  (Rain location-- Sanctuary at Sukkat Shalom.)

This is a family-friendly service. Please bring your own cushions. You may also bring your own folding chairs if you would like to sit on the grass in front of the stage. 

NOTE-- these outdoor services will NOT be streamed on line.

If you are not attending this service, please leave the count at zero.

We invite you to support our work and mission with a donation entered just below. Thank you!
Your donation
Questions? Andy at; or Scott at, or call 847.251.2675. Thank you!
Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784